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All running cars produce exhaust fumes. The exhaust and emission control system limits the impact of exhaust fumes on the environment. Over time, the exhaust system has expanded and improved beyond the muffler. Its noise has reduced while efficiency has increased. The muffler, the catalytic converter, and piping control emissions to reduce pollution.

Problems with the exhaust system may cause engine misfires, a decrease in acceleration power, excessive loud driving noises, a decrease in fuel efficiency, and gas odors. It is essential that if you see the warning signs of issues you get the exhaust system repaired immediately. Many times, if there is a problem with the exhaust system, it means there is something wrong elsewhere in the vehicle. The certified technicians at Harrell’s Tire & Auto Service are experts at fixing any exhaust problems and diagnosing any other issues that arise.



All running cars produce exhaust fumes. The exhaust and emission control system limits the impact of exhaust fumes on the environment. Over time, the exhaust system has expanded and improved beyond the muffler. Its noise has reduced while efficiency has increased. The muffler, the catalytic converter, and piping control emissions to reduce pollution.

Problems with the exhaust system may cause engine misfires, a decrease in acceleration power, excessive loud driving noises, a decrease in fuel efficiency, and gas odors. It is essential that if you see the warning signs of issues you get the exhaust system repaired immediately. Many times, if there is a problem with the exhaust system, it means there is something wrong elsewhere in the vehicle. The certified technicians at Harrell’s Tire & Auto Service are experts at fixing any exhaust problems and diagnosing any other issues that arise.