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Your vehicle’s heating and cooling system is in constant use. The system keeps the engine hot enough to meet state emission requirements and generates heat in the winter while keeping the engine from overheating. This constant use strains the system. Harrell’s Tire & Auto Service recommends coming in for maintenance on your heating and cooling system. However, sometimes repairs are unavoidable.
The ASE Certified technicians at Harrell’s Tire & Auto Service diagnose and repair the engine heating and cooling system. As the center of the cooling system, the radiator must perform without breaking. Old coolant becomes acidic and damages the internal cooling system. The breakdown of hoses, belts, seals, and gaskets can cause premature water pump and system failure. Technicians keep your vehicle heating and cooling system in top condition by cleaning and diagnosing the full system, checking for leaks or blockages in the radiator, thermostat, and water pump, and replacing the coolant.
Your vehicle’s heating and cooling system is in constant use. The system keeps the engine hot enough to meet state emission requirements and generates heat in the winter while keeping the engine from overheating. This constant use strains the system. Harrell’s Tire & Auto Service recommends coming in for maintenance on your heating and cooling system. However, sometimes repairs are unavoidable.
The ASE Certified technicians at Harrell’s Tire & Auto Service diagnose and repair the engine heating and cooling system. As the center of the cooling system, the radiator must perform without breaking. Old coolant becomes acidic and damages the internal cooling system. The breakdown of hoses, belts, seals, and gaskets can cause premature water pump and system failure. Technicians keep your vehicle heating and cooling system in top condition by cleaning and diagnosing the full system, checking for leaks or blockages in the radiator, thermostat, and water pump, and replacing the coolant.
We are members of NAPA Auto Care program and Technet Professional Program to ensure customers can be serviced anywhere in the country.
© 2025 | All Rights Reserved Harrell’s Tire & Auto Service
We are members of NAPA Auto Care program and Technet Professional Program to ensure customers can be serviced anywhere in the country.
We are members of NAPA Auto Care program and Technet Professional Program to ensure customers can be serviced anywhere in the country.
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